Leather Processing

For more special and valuable things It’s slow, but firm and steady. All products are 100% homemade.
The patterns are found in the world’s only patterns by processing premium natural leather with special techniques.

Leather type

All empleyees of YEUNWOO are sorking hard in theriir respective positions for the best quality

Premium Leather


It is YEUNWOO’S KOREA PAPER HANZIE that makes you even more special. HANZIE is paper made using the traditional Korean method, and vegan leather is made by processing this paper. Through the HANZIE processing method developed by YEUNWOO, we are making products that are lighter than animal hides but are well ventilated. The future that YEUNWOO dreams of is that the use of vegan leather made with HANZIE increases and many people use it.



a good leather craftsman to make you beautiful and special